# Web Boot-camp
Show your Presence in the INTERNET
This Course is designed by focusing how important a person must have their presence in the Internet .
Internet is basic need of young generation today , You can survive without food but cannot survive without Internet.

# Don’t Let Your (Technology) Tools Use You
# Here’s a typical situation :
You’re on your computer finishing the final year project presentation , you have to give in two days. Notification pop up on your computer — you’ve got a message on whatsapp. “Hey, have you seen robot 2.0?” asks your friend. It only takes a few messages to divert your attention and search for the trailer of Robot 2.0
Eventually , you are excited and you close the Youtube tab to text your friend how about going in sunday .
You decide to check Facebook and see if that girl from the your class or college commented on your status. She didn’t, but Wow, Susan went to Mardi trek? Wait, who’s that girl he’s with? You click her name and go to her profile.......
Now it’s been two hours since you left your presentation to respond to the text message, and you find yourself physically tired from the rapid scanning and clicking, scanning and clicking, scanning and clicking of the past two hours. Sad, you go get a tea, go for a short walk, and decide: Now, I will focus. No more distraction.
Ten minutes in, your phone buzzes. That girl from the class commented on your status…
# We approach the remedies
We provide the 3 hour boot-camp course leading to the own personal website in the vast world of INTERNET .
Internet can be blessing or Curse depending upon the usage . Internet has vast use in our daily lives, it is source of information where you can find the information about any topic. There are billions websites which contain different information about different things.
Now it's time to show your own presence on the INTERNET and learn insight of the technology that you use daily.
# Achievements
✓ Trainee will have insight of the INTERNET , what happen when you hit fb.com
on your browser
✓ Trainee will have insight of web development
✓ Trainee will learn html and css
✓ Trainee will built their own person website them self
✓ Trainee will have one free website live trainee_name.com.np
within the training fee
# Requirement
✓ Trainee must have their own computer
✓ Trainee must have their own Nepali citizenship (for their own website)